Batch Coding Machine in India for Pharmaceutical Industry

Batch Coding Machine in India for Pharmaceutical Industry
Date: 17-11-2022

With such an enormous market for drugs projected to hit $1.5 trillion by 2021 thanks to technology, it's no wonder the pharmaceuticals industry has been playing a huge role in keeping up with new diseases. As you can see during this recent pandemic, they've helped us immensely by giving us vaccines, which is a major stride towards controlling the pandemic once and for all-- but only if we can get them delivered on time. This is where batch coding comes into play; it'll help medics easily identify different types of vaccine and medicine batches so that they can find the right ones quickly and use them effectively.

There are many regulations for labeling pharmaceuticals. Read this article to find out more about coding; what it is, how it is done, and why it matters the most in the pharmaceutical industry.


Why Is Batch Coding Important?


Batch coding machine in India tracks medicines from the factory floor to distribution centers and ultimately, the patient. The law requires all companies to put these codes on their containers; this includes a batch number and shelf time left before expiration.

Pharmaceuticals today will often come with barcodes that can identify them at a glance. In times of crises such as during the Pandemic when quick reaction testing was needed, there were benefits to labeling every batch (including production data). Counterfeit products and medicines are becoming an increasing problem for pharmaceutical organizations today; consuming these drugs or using counterfeit medications may have undesired side effects or even lead to death in severe cases.

To address this issue, countries are taking legal action to solve it. This can include identifying and tracking the product through production to distribution and giving clear labels on pharmaceutical products which prevent recalls when there are mistakes such as missing batch numbers, label mix-ups, or mispackaged items.

As well as ensuring that permanent UDIs (unique identifiers) remain with the drug at all times so information remains on the item rather than temporary packaging - making them easier to identify between other drugs manufactured by different companies. All in all, Smart Packaging Systems believes that proper labeling has many benefits including preventing accidental mixing up of packages and providing vital identification necessary for identical items from various manufacturers.


Challenges In Batch Coding Pharmaceutical Products


There are many benefits to product serialization, but pharmaceutical companies still face challenges.

As mentioned before, packaging has barcodes now, which necessitates redesigning its labels. Due to this, manufacturers may encounter problems with the graphics aspect of their medicine.

In addition, these labeling requirements can slow down production rates for companies- thereby making them think about increasing their workforce to meet demand in the marketplace. Yet another challenge includes data management requiring evolution so that it can be effective at coding products (although current standards have been successful).

This means that product coding requires more time and money invested- due to material expenses like software, hardware, and training costs associated with new employees getting up-to-speed.



What Are The Pre-Requisites To Consider In Labeling?


Manufacturers are obligated to use labels when distributing their products. In accordance with many national and international drugs associations, all packages should have labels including:

  • Contents of the product.
  • · Product identity.
  • · Manufacturer/distributor name and address.
  • · Weight measure for package contents.

Requirements for medications can change from time to time, depending on what kind of medication you are seeking. For instance, when it comes to vaccines, it's important that you list the vaccine batch number and potential warnings about side effects or allergic reactions.

Over-the-counter drugs should also follow the FDA OTC Drug Review process; this review evaluates medicines and determines if they are safe for consumption. Non-prescription medicine labels should clearly state their uses, doses, and active ingredients-- according to the FDA.

Manufacturers should follow the Physician Labelling Rule with prescription drugs for their products. These labels need to contain the following information:

  • · Mention active and inactive ingredients.
  • · The general purpose of the product.
  • · Directions for use.
  • · Ingredient warnings.
  • · Control numbers.
  • · Shelf-life.

There are different labels for every drug, but here is what you can generally expect. Every product needs to comply with these rules and practice proper manufacturing standards.


What Are The Tools Needed For Batch Coding Of Medicines?


To meet the labeling requirements mandated by law, manufacturers often rely on coding machines. These machines print custom labels using computerized data and are handy if there were ever an emergency situation in which products had to be recalled.

Labels can include lot numbers and expiration dates, which helps save time. Drug packaging lines move very quickly - so it's important for a manufacturer to find reliable printers that won't slow down production speeds or make mistakes too often. Consider buying Smart Packaging Systems batch coding machines, we are the best!

Packaging that helps protect a product while it’s being transported needs to be labeled as well. Tertiary packaging for pharmaceutical products typically consists of cardboard boxes and pallets, both requiring specific labeling equipment.

Cardboard boxes need high-resolution case coders, while pallets require printing labels onto the container itself. It may take time to choose the right type depending on what industry you operate in; here are some things to keep in mind when deciding what kind of labeler you want:

1) Consider how often one will be using the coding equipment.

2) Figure out if one wants handheld or inline coders.


Types Of Batch Coding Machine


Knowing the kind of machine you own will help you choose which type of label to use for your product. Inkjet printers are good for larger or smaller carton packaging, while laser and thermal printing will allow you to code in batches. These types of machines may be more expensive but they're also easier to operate than inkjets

Coding machines work with data by manual, semi-automated, and fully-automated control. Choosing which type of coding machine to use will depend on the size of your company. Large manufacturers typically choose fully-automated control because it eliminates errors.


Significance Of Batch Coding For The Pharmaceutical Industry Today


Using Smart Packaging Systems’ batch coding machines, manufacturers are able to produce their products in bulk and stay safe. Batch coding also has significant benefits during a potential outbreak or pandemic.

One such example would be tracking vaccines. Manufacturers can use tracking software along with batch coding printers and barcodes to ensure that medicines and vaccines are going to the correct recipients - and thereby ensuring public safety too! Plus, these identifiers help identify which batches of vaccine will expire soon so they can be used first before the expiration date arrives.

This is especially helpful given how viruses and diseases evolve at an exponential rate these days...

Coding Machines from Smart Packaging Systems allow you to easily and quickly create labels or manufacture products. Visit our website today or contact us for more information about these coding machines!



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